Present Suffering? – Video

Present Suffering? – Video

We all go through hard times. Some worse than others, but pain is still pain. When we suffer it feels like there is not point. We have been told by many religious leaders that if we do what they say, follow their particular faith, give money, etc, that we will be free from illness, financial trouble, emotional distress, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. And it is the TRUTH that sets you free. Whether it was Jesus crying for God to take his cup of suffering away, Paul who said, he would rather die than stay in the troubles of this world, King David who was constantly crying out for death and deliverence from his enemies and pain, Jonah who cried and prayed for deliverance from the belly of hell (The great fish/carnal imagination), the many barren women of scripture, Joseph who was beaten, thrown into the pit, made a slave, falsely accused, imprisoned, etc, we see a pattern of God’s chosen suffering. Yet, because of all they wen’t through many were brought to know the truth about God, and in the end they all realized “No present suffering could be compared” to the glory that was revealed because of it. Because of everything Joseph went through he was prepared to rule all of Egypt, and the same is true for us. We don’t know what tomorrow holds. But we do know that God is in control of it all. So every tear we cry, everytime scream, every heartbreak, every hard times has a place and a purpose. And when we understand that even our suffering has a purpose then we can embrace our cross knowing that our pain last for but a moment, but our purpose will stand for all of time. This video is a reminder of these things, I pray it gives you hope and regardless of what you are going through, you will understand these things aren’t happening TO YOU, they are happening FOR YOU! And in knowing this, you will overcome and walk in the excitement and hope of what is to come because of it all. Much love Jacob – For my novel THE CALLING A VOICE IN THE DEAD WOODS – see link on left of page