This short powerful mini documentary will take your breath away! You have been lied to by this world your whole life, you have been fed a constant diet of fear, worry, shame, greed, and pride. Because of this cruel brainwashing you took upon yourself the sins/lies of the world and WHO YOU TRULY ARE IN ESSENCE DIED… but that is about to change!

You are more than you know! This short mini movie will open your eyes to a great enemy hiding in plain sight. “Roaming to and fro seeking whom it may devour”. This “enemy” disguises itself as “god” and most worship this liar as god. For your enemy is most certainly the god of this carnal ignorant world. Yet, this enemy is not your god anymore… because now the truth you have begun to see clear.

This enemy, your adversary, the devil is also called the carnal ego/id of mankind. This is the JUDAS that dines with you, sits at the table with you, and betrays you for THE LOVE OF MONEY AND POWER. This “enemy” is the root of your fear and it has stolen your life away with it.

The “god” of this world, the devil, the serpent, which is man’s carnal ego or the “ID”, is the very enemy people have been worshipping their whole lives unaware. Because of this few know how to truly live their life. Life has become more of a chore, it is about suffering and fear and worry and doubt instead of righteousness (right thinking), peace, joy and power…


It’s time to wake up to the new day we are in and LIVE our life!

After watching this video you may just see “SATAN, FALL LIKE LIGHTENING FROM HEAVEN (your higher thinking)!”

The TRUTH sets you free from the lies you believe about yourself and others. When the DAYSTAR rises in your heart you will know which voice to listen to, which words to bring forth, which thoughts to manifest and which thoughts to cast away and you will FEAR NO MORE.

Please enjoy this short mini movie called “The Trumpet Sounds – Fear No More” and enjoy a poem I wrote on this topic called, “Two In One Bed” – the double minded man is unstable in all his ways. It’s time to be of ONE MIND, ONE HEART, ONE SPIRIT, ONE TRUTH, ONE LOVE, AND ONE LIFE TOGETHER! Please do share with others and subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already. Much love to you and yours, Jacob

There are two voices in everyone’s head.
The quieter voice is always the better choice, because the louder offers only fear and dread.
The quieter voice is love and truth, the louder voice will lie to you and make you wish you were dead.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
This is why you must find the quieter voice today.
The louder voice will shout and pout and will do everything to make you believe these thoughts are actually coming from you.
The Louder voice will demand action, demand revenge, and will always make you do what you should not do.
The quieter is your hope, salvation, and great reward, this you will find.
The louder will grind hope and peace to powder if you allow it each and every time.
This is why the still quiet voice you must find.
You can choose to win or lose, whether to fall or rise.
The loudest is the room is always wrong, while the one who thinks before he acts and speaks is wise.
So take your thoughts captive and see whether they be true or lies.
In the end, my friend, you will thank me, because the quiet voice is peace, power, purpose and perfection finally realized.