Father’s Day Revelation of How Christ Rises IN YOU!!!

10 thoughts on “Father’s Day Revelation of How Christ Rises IN YOU!!!

  1. kjbmj July 16, 2021 / 7:06 PM

    Loving your book Jacob. Loving the Lord!

  2. james June 28, 2021 / 3:53 PM

    are you Jacob from the Bible

  3. Brian June 28, 2021 / 3:25 PM

    Please contact me

    • Jacob Israel August 9, 2021 / 10:48 PM

      Hi Brian sorry it took me awhile please email me.

      • Tessa August 21, 2021 / 2:30 AM

        Your child needs to cut out all preservatives and colorants and gmo. Have a look at dr berg on vitamins. Having symptoms of anemia for most of my life. Trying to drink lron has a negative impact on the body. Why? I don’t know. Just trust the guidance you get from God. Start him on natural things like chicken soup. Olive oil krill vit d.

  4. Annie Williams June 24, 2021 / 12:40 PM

    Hello Jacob,
    I have watched a few of your videos and really enjoy your enthusiasm and love for our Father and his son. I have a question for you that for some is a touchy subject but I need to ask for my love for my brothers and sisters in Yeshua is great and I pray that all come to a true understanding, my question is do you believe that our worship day is Sunday or Saturday like it says in scripture that shabbat is from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. I’m never trying to offend anyone so I hope you understand my question.
    May Yehova bless you and his face always shine upon you.
    Your sister in Yeshua Annie

    • Jacob Israel August 9, 2021 / 10:48 PM

      Hi Annie… the Sabbath was made for man not the other way around … that is the answer … there is a better way we all need to enter into that Rest

  5. robinhoneyelektra13799 June 23, 2021 / 9:33 AM

    Just finished your book! Thank you.

    Was wondering if you’ve ever thought much bout what Mary Magdalene wrote.

    Or I you’ve ever considered the Law of Harvest and how it might apply to satans cheating in harvesting with AI technology before God has claimed His?

    What a great suspense/thriller He has written!

  6. Robert W Taylor June 22, 2021 / 10:02 PM

    I love you brother. Have you ever pondered on Matthew 27:52-53?

  7. arraywisdom1967 June 21, 2021 / 8:00 PM

    Adam named the beasts in the garden. Separating the good from the bad.

    He quickly learnt the difference between bitter honey and good honey.

    Pouring wine from vats, for millions.

    Caine took over Abel’s mind and he didn’t know who he really was anymore.

    It was the living Caine of today that fed the lies into Abel’s mind. Abel never knew better.

    Is Jacob’s mother a nice lady?

    The hell poor Samson must have gone through.

    You adopted a child. How beautiful. You have a heart for other’s but very few saw it. You a good father. All dad’s that are good, think that way. Even Abe. Lol

    No one feels adequate. Anyone who says they are, is lying. No one could ever be perfect.

    You look very tired. You need sleep.

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